Mina’s Ben Nevis Challenge Update!

Mina’s Trek took place on Saturday 10 August and Mina, along with her husband Nitin, family and friends managed to climb an amazing 2400ft on Ben Nevis. On the day, the weather was rather treacherous and they saw two rescue helicopters on the mountain. Unfortunately, they were advised by their guide that it wouldn’t be safe to continue their climb any further and so they descended back down. 

Scotland is so beautiful; the views were spectacular and the climb was steep. The force of the wind was strong and they endured hail stones and rain, making visibility on Ben Nevis very misty.  Mina felt that spiritually the experience was positively enriching and energising and hopes to climb Ben Nevis again soon.

Mina has raised over £2700, which is fantastic, and will help with buying much needed equipment for the school.

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